I created my text in Word because it is easier to create the text in Word rather than InDesign. I decided to use a question and answer format for my text including questions sent in from fans as well as the questions from the interviewer. The questions from fans were from different ways of communication, mostly online to represent how online services have been used to keep the magazine alive. This is my text:
After a quiet 2011 without a single, he comes back with a new style. The young superstar has been enjoying time out from the limelight to plan and record his new album-album name- With the time he spent off he enjoyed a holiday in XXX where we caught up with him to catch a small performance of some of the songs from his new album as well as to get him to answer some of your questions.
Okay so we’re going to give some time to your fans to get their questions across and here’s the first one from Lance Wovins in Liverpool.
What was your inspiration for your new album?
Good question, well after the time I had back in 2010 I just needed to chill out. The music reflects that in a way that it seems to have more of a chilled out vibe for a lot of the tracks. But some of the tracks also represent the crazy year I had back in 2010 and keep the upbeat tempo fans are used to. Although this album is different from my first in the style but still keeps a sense of fun in youth.
That sounds cool, a different edge of you but still retaining the sound that I’m used to. Okay so the next one comes from Graeme Sussife in Barnsley via the Twitter account.
Why did you choose to have a long time out and not just release the album as soon as possible?
C’mon, give me a break (laughing). No, I mean I needed time out to come back down to Earth. Also I just wanted to make sure that I had made the best album I could and made sure that it said what I wanted it to say.
So you just wanted to make sure that the comeback was just as awesome as it could be?
Yes, definitely.
Okay, the next one is from Rebecca McCormick in Exeter via the Facebook page.
Why choose Khalkidhiki?
I love that you keep telling me what its via (laughing). But, to answer the question, mostly because I came here with my family years ago. I just wanted to be somewhere I could relax and get away from it all. Although there were some fans I didn’t mind I love the fans and they were good to me and let me relax I even hung out with a few, had a few beers and chilled by the pool.
So what did you actually do and where did you stay?
Well I bought a villa out there before I went, just a bit away from the beach and in quite a private area. I just mostly chilled out around the pool sunbathing. You know the usual stuff. Though I did write a few songs whilst I was out there, tried them out on a few fans that my girlfriend (who went with me) and I hung around with for a few days. I stayed there for 3 months before deciding to come home.
And what did you do when you got home?
I went straight to the recording studio to write the rest of my album and record it. I also made the music video for the first music video for the single ‘Autumn Sunrise’
That brings us nicely onto our next question from Jane Hanson from North London who asks,
Where was the video shot?
For those who don’t know or haven’t seen the video it is just basically me in a field/forest with my guitar. We shot it in about 3 days in early October the field was actually in my hometown of Lyndhurst in the New Forest, which naturally had all the autumn elements of the song at that time of the year.
So was it nice to go back to your hometown?
Yeah it really was. Although it has only been like what 5 years since I lived there it seems so different to the life I now lead. It was good to see all the familiar faces who welcomed me back with open arms. After the shooting I stayed with my family in our home, which was sort of surreal to be back, but it did feel right.
Do you miss home?
Well of course I miss home. But the new life I have now brings with it new fun and experiences that I wouldn’t be without.
Just got a brilliant question from Robert Thompson, in leister, come through on Twitter who writes
The new single is great, are there any more like it on the album?
Yeah, there are. This song reflects the new sound that I wanted to bring out. To see that it has already been recognised and liked is awesome. So Robert if you like ‘Autumn Sunrise’ you will like the rest of the album because most of it is in the same chilled out feel.
How did you create this chilled out feel?
Mostly just through the use of instruments. In the form of not having many, keeping it simple so that it was calming yet still interesting.