Friday, 30 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 7

Evaluation: Question 6

Evaluation: Question 5

Evaluation: Question 4

Evaluation: Question 3

Evaluation: Question 2

Evaluation: Question 1

Front Cover

This shows my front cover. I have used bright colours to match the youthful nature of my teenage audience. I have used a girl of the same age as my target audience to relate to my target audience. I used a puff/plug to give another incentive to buy the magazine. I have used direct address with the image to make the magazine look more approachable to my audience. I have made the image overlap the masthead because I wanted the image to be the main focus of the magazine cover.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Contents Page

This shows my completed contents page.
To create this contents page I kept the same style as the double page spread. I did this by using the  spiked shapes to add interest to the page. Also I carried on the style from the logo of the magazine by keeping the same font for the title of the contents page. I also made some of the pictures slightly on an angle so that it adds interest and style to the magazine. I tried to pack as much as I could into the small space so that the audience feel that they are getting a lot for their money and therefore be more likely to buy the magazine. I advertised subscribing to the magazine as many I had seen before have adverts like this on the contents page. I also added a 'Plus' section to make it seem that the audience is getting even more for their money. 

Monday, 30 January 2012

Complete Double Page Spread

This shows my completed double page spread.

I have changed a few things since the last time. To start with I put a faint background to my text that is the same as the background of the image so it keeps the same style. Also I added page numbers with my logo because all music magazines that I have looked at have this so I thought it would be good to have it too. I then manipulated the red block from before to make it so it covered less text but still had the same effect and makes the article more eye-catching and interesting. 

Monday, 23 January 2012

Double page spread development

This shows what I have done with my double page spread so far.

First of all I placed my image on the right hand side of the double page I made it slightly overlap to the left hand side to make it obvious that it is connected to the text on the left hand page. I split my pages into three columns on each so that the text would be laid out in the proper format for a magazine. I then copied my text into each of the columns and adjusted the size so that it would fit into the space it had. Then I created the title for the page, I selected a big and bold font so that it would stand out from the rest of the page. Using the colour selection tool I carefully selected the colour of the jumper that the subject is wearing in the adjacent image. Then using this colour I made the text of the title the same and used a black stroke outline to make the text stand out and so it was clearer to read. Then I used the same colour to add the introduction to the piece to keep the same style throughout. Since the article mentioned Facebook, Twitter and the magazines website I thought that it would be appropriate for me to mention what the Facebook, Twitter and the websites, website addresses were so that the reader could use these as another way of enjoying the magazine. I then decided that the magazine would need to promote the artist more than just an article so I decided to offer a free Mp3 download so that it not only gets the reader interested in the artist but gets them to go on the website. I added the strip of colour to add more interest to the page which would also draw a reader in. 

Text for double page spread

I created my text in Word because it is easier to create the text in Word rather than InDesign. I decided to use a question and answer format for my text including questions sent in from fans as well as the questions from the interviewer. The questions from fans were from different ways of communication, mostly online to represent how online services have been used to keep the magazine alive. This is my text:

After a quiet 2011 without a single, he comes back with a new style. The young superstar has been enjoying time out from the limelight to plan and record his new album-album name- With the time he spent off he enjoyed a holiday in XXX where we caught up with him to catch a small performance of some of the songs from his new album as well as to get him to answer some of your questions.

Okay so we’re going to give some time to your fans to get their questions across and here’s the first one from Lance Wovins in Liverpool.

What was your inspiration for your new album?  
Good question, well after the time I had back in 2010 I just needed to chill out. The music reflects that in a way that it seems to have more of a chilled out vibe for a lot of the tracks. But some of the tracks also represent the crazy year I had back in 2010 and keep the upbeat tempo fans are used to. Although this album is different from my first in the style but still keeps a sense of fun in youth.

That sounds cool, a different edge of you but still retaining the sound that I’m used to. Okay so the next one comes from Graeme Sussife in Barnsley via the Twitter account.

Why did you choose to have a long time out and not just release the album as soon as possible?
C’mon, give me a break (laughing). No, I mean I needed time out to come back down to Earth. Also I just wanted to make sure that I had made the best album I could and made sure that it said what I wanted it to say.

So you just wanted to make sure that the comeback was just as awesome as it could be?

Yes, definitely.

Okay, the next one is from Rebecca McCormick in Exeter via the Facebook page.

Why choose Khalkidhiki?
I love that you keep telling me what its via (laughing). But, to answer the question, mostly because I came here with my family years ago. I just wanted to be somewhere I could relax and get away from it all. Although there were some fans I didn’t mind I love the fans and they were good to me and let me relax I even hung out with a few, had a few beers and chilled by the pool.

 So what did you actually do and where did you stay?
Well I bought a villa out there before I went, just a bit away from the beach and in quite a private area. I just mostly chilled out around the pool sunbathing. You know the usual stuff. Though I did write a few songs whilst I was out there, tried them out on a few fans that my girlfriend (who went with me) and I hung around with for a few days. I stayed there for 3 months before deciding to come home.

And what did you do when you got home?
I went straight to the recording studio to write the rest of my album and record it. I also made the music video for the first music video for the single ‘Autumn Sunrise’

That brings us nicely onto our next question from Jane Hanson from North London who asks,

Where was the video shot?
For those who don’t know or haven’t seen the video it is just basically me in a field/forest with my guitar. We shot it in about 3 days in early October the field was actually in my hometown of Lyndhurst in the New Forest, which naturally had all the autumn elements of the song at that time of the year.

So was it nice to go back to your hometown?
Yeah it really was. Although it has only been like what 5 years since I lived there it seems so different to the life I now lead. It was good to see all the familiar faces who welcomed me back with open arms. After the shooting I stayed with my family in our home, which was sort of surreal to be back, but it did feel right.

Do you miss home?
Well of course I miss home. But the new life I have now brings with it new fun and experiences that I wouldn’t be without.

Just got a brilliant question from Robert Thompson, in leister, come through on Twitter who writes

The new single is great, are there any more like it on the album?
Yeah, there are. This song reflects the new sound that I wanted to bring out. To see that it has already been recognised and liked is awesome. So Robert if you like ‘Autumn Sunrise’ you will like the rest of the album because most of it is in the same chilled out feel.

How did you create this chilled out feel?
Mostly just through the use of instruments. In the form of not having many, keeping it simple so that it was calming yet still interesting. 

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Practice for double page spread

To make this double page spread I had to create more pages in InDesign so that it was a double page and not just a singular page. I started by putting in a large image on the left hand side of the page. To  do this I created a box the size of the page and placed an image in there. Then I created the title of the article. I had to use a large font that stood out and was clear and easy to read. Also I had to make sure that the title of the article related to the image on the left hand page. So as the image was of a boy posing with a bin I decided it would be about cleaning up but in a different way, in terms of music. Then I created the logo of the magazine which had to be small but on every page to keep the theme of the magazine throughout. I put one on each page at the top left and right hand corners. Then I added page numbers so the reader would know what page they were on. I then added an introductory paragraph which had to give a bit more information about the article and the text had to be fairly large so it would stand out but too large to  be bigger than the title. I filled the columns with placeholder text so that i could see what my article would look like when the columns were filled. 
Then I added an image to the middle of two columns and wrapped the text around the image so that it can still be read and looks good adding a bit of interest to the article. I then used the viewing mode preview to look at my work without the column lines. 
Then I made the text all line up at both sides so that it would look neat and professional. 

Monday, 2 January 2012

Proposal for music magazine

Target audience

                The target audience for my music magazine will be teenagers and young adults from ages of 15 -21. It will also be people who are interested in new alternative rock music and people who will be looking to read about new bands and artists of the same age range. So it will be a magazine aimed at the same people that it will feature. 

Typical Content

                The typical content that would be in my magazine would be articles about new up and coming bands and artists of the same age of my target audience. Also it could have articles with a question and answer type structure, the questions from fans and the answers from the artists. Also there could be articles that follow the bands and artists through their tours to give people who couldn’t go and see them a chance to read about it. It would also include adverts to do with music so adverts for concerts, headphones, mp3 players etc.

Cover Lines

                These are all going to be about the articles inside. So they could give slight information about new artists to draw people in to the magazine.


·         The Sound
·         Audio Magazine
·         Tunes Magazine


The Sound
I am going to use this font, which is Impact for the masthead of my magazine because it stands out and is clear enough to be able to be read from a distance so it will grab people’s attention.
I want to use this font for my main text and cover lines because it is clear and simple to read. This font is Tahoma.

Times Published

My magazine would be published every two weeks. It will also have special editions for things like Christmas, New Years and Valentine’s Day. So this means that these editions would have different themes and styles for these dates.

Kind of images

                There could be images of the bands and artists that are featured in that article. Also if it is an article not about specific artist there could  be images that are related to that article, so if there was an article about a new iPod or mp3 player there could be images of that iPod or mp3 player.


                The size of this magazine would be A4 size so it will be typical magazine size. 

Flatplans for music magazine


 Contents Page 

 Double Page Spread